Out of time

I slept in this morning thinking that it was Saturday.


Everyone in my family knows that I have therapy at noon. EVERYONE.

It’s in the calendar.

It happens every week.

Did they wake me up when I was sleeping at 11:15? NOPE!

Thank goodness my friend texted me at 11:20.

I was out of time to basically do anything aside from change some important articles of clothing and dive out of the house.

I also brushed my teeth.

That’s it.

My hair is scary.

I made it to therapy though and then to the urgent care office.

Apparently, I either have an abscesses tooth, (possible since it hurt yesterday, but not today), a blocked salivary gland or a swollen lymph node.

I don’t know.

I have some antibiotics now and strict instructions to go to the emergency room or call and ambulance if my breathing seems strange or if I spike a fever.

Not disconcerting at all…

Anyway, I went to the pharmacy and now I’m home and in my bed. I really want to take a nap, but familial obligations say I need to be social for at least a little while.

Yay for it not being Saturday!

Image from Pixabay.

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