ANOTHER disability?

Okay. So. It wasn’t fun to accept that I had a mental illness and that it was going to profoundly disrupt my life.

At the same time, by the time I realized that, I was in my late twenties and had been living with that mental illness since my early teens. It wasn’t an entirely new concept.

I didn’t love it, but it wasn’t foreign and I had already sort of come to terms with at least the diagnosis, treatment, and lifestyle changes that were going to be required.

It wasn’t such a huge loss to grieve.

It was also something that kind of still felt within my control in a way since it was my brain. That seems ridiculous as I type it because I know I don’t control the mental illness I have anymore than I control my physical illness. I just felt like I did.

Anyway, I have been struggling with chronic relapsing pancreatitis for six years. I have not accepted it as a new disability. I need to.

It is horrifically disruptive.

I am in the hospital every three to four weeks for three to seven days.

It is a nightmare.

That doesn’t even count the er visits in between.

I can barely make plans or schedule things with any certainty because I never know if I will be in the hospital or not.

I really need to come to terms with this.

It is a disability. It does profoundly impact my life and is starting to impact the lives of those closest to me.

I can’t blissfully ignore this any longer.

It’s been six years. It’s not going away. No one knows why this is happening so they can’t make it stop.

I need to drastically change my lifestyle, once again, to accommodate this illness.

I have been living as though it doesn’t matter and as though it just happens and then I can just return to my life. Except, it is my life. I can’t escape it.

I don’t want to change my diet dramatically or start an exercise program. Mostly because I have a latent eating disorder that I’m very worried about becoming active if I do those things. I become militant about diets and exercise once I start them. I have to find the middle ground somewhere and I am not sure I can do that…

I have to though. I have to or I will stay on this hamster wheel. I might anyway. At least my body will be healthier to fight.

I just am struggling with accepting this as my new normal. That also sounds ridiculous because I’ve been doing this for six years.

I just have been coasting.

I have to accept that this is my life.

It makes me really sad.

I was prepared to have one disability. I really wasn’t down for two.

Old original art by me.

2 thoughts on “ANOTHER disability?

  1. You’ve been struggling with pancreatitis flares for some years now, and they are debilitating. The solution is in part the dietary changes you haven’t been able to make.

    As someone with an eating disorder, I’m going to now be rude and intrusive, and suggest your issues aren’t as latent as you’d like. You’re willing to suffer extreme pain and extreme illness rather than change how you’re eating.

    I struggle with the mental and physical disability diagnoses as well. It makes me rage sometimes. But it also is, what it is.

    Sending all the support.

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