
I don’t think it’s in the book, (I’ve read it a million times, but it’s been a while), but in the remake of the Alice in Wonderland movies Alice talks to the Hatter about his “Muchness” and how he seems to have lost it.

I can sympathize with the Hatter.

I have zero motivation.

Again, I can’t tell if it’s the antibiotic making me feel terrible, or if it’s the reduction in my antidepressant, but something is getting to me.

I need to take a shower this morning and honestly, I couldn’t care less. It’s been a few days and I really need to before I am in public. I don’t know that I can.

I hate feeling like this.

Hate. It.

I just can’t function.

My friend needs me to take her to a doctor’s appointment and to her house to get things etc. I don’t want to. I mean, I want to help, I just don’t want to do the things necessary to do the helping.

I want to stay in my room. On my bed. Whining to you.

I guess I should probably text my therapist. I don’t know. I will, but I don’t know what she’ll be able to do.

I see her Friday.


This could be so bad by Friday. Maybe she has an earlier appointment, but honestly I don’t really have time in my week for that. I’ll ask anyway.

So tired.

Image from Wikipedia.

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