What, me worry?

I’m guessing only those of us old enough to remember the joys of reading MAD magazine will get my photo reference here, but hey, I thought it was cute.

Anyway, I had to take my friend to the emergency room again for her headache, (it got really bad yesterday), and while I was sitting there in the most comfortable chairs ever, my side really started to hurt.

I kind of chalked it up to the chairs and not really being able to drink water.

That is, until 2:30 this morning when I woke up feeling like I was going to vomit.

Let me tell you in case you didn’t know: that is not a delightful way to wake up.

So now my side hurts and I feel nauseous and it’s 3:30 in the morning. I need a shower and I need to wash clothes before I set foot in the emergency room myself, but honestly 6/7 am is the best time to go there if I’m going to.

Normally, I would just have my friend take me, but she needs her sleep. My stepdad also needs his sleep.

I can take myself, but I might need a ride home. So that’s risky because I don’t know when that would be and then my car would be stuck up there at the hospital for the day.

Not ideal.


I don’t know.

I could try to ride it out at home, but I suspect I might have pancreatitis.

I might not.

It’s always a crap shoot.

I never really know until my labs come back.

Nausea is a pretty good sign though if it comes with the pain.

So… yeah. Not enjoying my night. I would rather be sleeping, but I feel pretty terrible.

I guess I’m gonna round up some laundry…


I am just worried about it. I want to go on vacation in a couple of weeks and have already put down deposits and I’m starting to think that between my friend’s headaches and my pancreatitis, that was kind of a gamble.

Oh well.

Image from Amazon.

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