
This requires a TW: SUICIDE

This is also LONG.

I realized I have yet to tell my “diagnosis story” with any kind of detail. Here goes.

I think I really started showing symptoms by age 11 or 12. I can remember crying at night with my Mom for no reason. I blamed family members, I blamed school, I blamed all kinds of things, but I didn’t really know why I was sad. I just knew I was. It might have been me adjusting to the divorce I suppose, but if so, it was certainly a delayed reaction. I just wasn’t okay. Then I kind of was again. For a while. Probably until the second half of sixth grade and into that summer. At some point around then I knew that I was experiencing emotions that other kids were not. I still wasn’t aware enough to know that it was a real problem, but I knew I was “different” somehow.

That was true in a lot of ways though to be honest. I was in all of the advanced classes and they still couldn’t keep me engaged. I was first chair in band all the way through middle school. I was that kid. So my difference seemed related to those things to me. I didn’t really place my emotional state as something else that separated me since everything else seemed to already.

I started missing school for weeks at a time. At the beginning it was due to health issues, but eventually it was because I just didn’t want to go. I still got great grades, kept up with all of my work, stayed out of trouble when I was at school, so no one really complained. The guidance counselor got marginally involved by the end of seventh grade, but mostly with the health things.

By eighth grade I had a teacher who, while not engaging in actual sexual molestation, was super creepy. He would rub my back or look down my shirt. I was very uncomfortable in his class. When I reported him, the school said I made it up. My mom pushed to have me switched to another class, but it was an awkward thing. That involved more intervention by the guidance counselor. I still wasn’t attending school for weeks at a time.

Freshman year I switched schools for first semester. By this point, the depression was obvious to nearly everyone. I failed PE the first marking period and missed a great deal of school. The guidance counselor was meeting with me almost every day that I did attend and encouraged my mom to get me into therapy.

I started therapy and was diagnosed with depression at 14. I’m sure that is what it looked like. I surely did not tell people about the ideas I had that equated to psychosis. They may have been chalked up to a psychotic depression back then anyway.

Regardless, by second semester of freshman year, I was transferred back to my home school district and I continued my pattern of non-attendance. I also continued to slide.

Sophomore year and the summer before saw the rise of mania. I began to be known as “that girl who talks so fast you cannot understand her.” I didn’t sleep much at night and I was always on the go. I had a temper that would swing from nowhere.

So, in January, on Super Bowl Sunday as a matter of fact, a month or so after my 16th birthday, I overdosed. It was not planned. It was entirely impulsive. I’m not going to go into the nitty gritty here, but it just kind of happened. I started taking handfuls of over the counter stuff and then moved on to prescriptions that were around our house. The toxicologist later said my report looked like a rainbow. I pretty much called a friend who called an adult friend and 911 right away. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. I kind of thought I might die but then I thought I was supposed to tell someone. I really can’t tell you that I was thinking anything. I remember telling the EMT’s that I needed to go get my shoes. Then I remember hysterically crying to keep my mom away (our relationship was not very good by this point).

So two weeks of observation on the adolescent psychiatric unit, psychiatric testing, one on one therapy, family therapy, therapy with a friend that needed to happen, group therapy, etc led to my first diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder. I was handed a prescription for Lithium and Depakote and sent on my way when my insurance kicked me out.

I tried taking those for a couple of weeks and gave up. I didn’t like the doctor, I didn’t like the meds and I didn’t understand the diagnosis. It was 1996.

I switched doctors and got switched to a high dose of Prozac. This ensured that I flew manic for the next two years. I had dropped out of high school at the end of my sophomore year- truly a technicality at that point- and started taking a class or two at the community college.

I struggled with school, not academically, but with attendance and needing to drop classes, for several years. At 18 I went to a university 8 hours away, was fully manic, flushed all of my meds down the toilet and declared myself “cured.” I ended up withdrawing the first semester because I had only gone to the first day of classes.

I struggled some more. Went to therapy on and off. Eventually transferred to another university and never really was full time but did manage to graduate at 24. Didn’t know what to do with myself so I kept taking classes and earned another bachelor’s at 26. Decided to go to law school.

Picked a law school across country. Was manic. Spent $30k in the 2.5 months before classes started. I thought every fed ex truck I saw had a driver that was a spy for my mother. Ended up leaving law school after 2 weeks.

After a short stint with my Dad down south, I moved back in with my mom and resumed taking random classes. I began other graduate programs and had to drop them. By 28 (2008), after filing bankruptcy and dropping out of another grad program, it was obvious to me that I needed help.

I went to the counseling center on campus to get a referral to the psychiatry clinic. The doctor I met at the clinic listened to me for 15 minutes, hadn’t even heard about my experience at 16, and diagnosed me with bipolar disorder. The rest of the time was spent on educating me on what that really meant for me, the lifestyle changes I needed to make and the new meds I was going to take. I worked with that doctor for 4 years and I was very lucky to have her.

My path was not easy. It has been equally ugly since.

This blog is an attempt to share the ups and downs of what can be a life altering disorder for many people. It’s just my experience of course and I certainly don’t claim to speak for everyone. I just hope to shed some light in some dark corner of the Internet where someone might see this who needs to.

55 thoughts on “Beginning

  1. I’ve studied about this is psych, but it truly is different hearing someone who has actually experienced it describe what they felt. It’s so great that you’ve managed to get past all these experiences, and I really do hope you’re doing well. Have a great day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks and thanks for the follow. My hope is that my blog is kind of a window into the life of one person with bipolar disorder (and anxiety). It’s not always pretty, but it is always real. You have a great day as well!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I think we must be some kind of twins or something, my story parallels yours so closely with the college age diagnoses and even meds back in ‘95, and instead of Fed Ex trucks mine were looking like white Sprinters at that time, that I’d give a thumbs up to, just to assure them everything was okay, while I’d be on walks with my mom after a hospital stay.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Lol. Maybe it’s the shared diagnosis. I find I have more in common with people living with bipolar disorder than any other folks. It’s interesting that you’ve had such similar experiences though. I always appreciate hearing about them.

      This ride is a ridiculous one and it is hard to do alone. We have to support one another. Thanks for reading.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Wish I had the courage to tell my whole story from the beginning to now…very brave and encouraging…your posts and this post in particular ring so true and close to home it is unbelievable. You have gotten this far…how continued to fight for this long and seem to express yourself so well. KUDOS! TC

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww thank you for reading this and for the kind words. I really just spit out how I am feeling. I hope it reaches someone else when I’m doing it. Sometimes I’m more successful than other times. I know this blog has saved me. So there’s that. Thanks again.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I enjoyed your writing and your honesty. I go to a 12 step program at a psyc hospital one day a week. I go for a couple of reasons: 1) I am an alcoholic and 2) I suffer depression and go to the same environment for support groups. In my group we have a couple of bipolar members and I spend time with them dealing with their addictions. I look forward to reading your blog and wish you a warm New Years greeting.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Welcome to my blog, David. Thank you for reading and for the wonderful compliment.

      Congrats on working towards recovery. It’s a long road. My recovery battle is with bipolar disorder, as you have probably figured out, but I have a great deal of empathy for those struggling with addiction and depression. I lost my uncle two years ago to both. Keep up the fight!

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Hi again as I said before I read everything you post since started following each other.. so I felt I wanted to read your beginning of your blog,, I like the honeSty that you write ..and as I stated before I some issues we share , so thank you for sharing your honest life events,, and that ever you need a chat ,, when you are not in group I will listen..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. I appreciate that. That is a wonderful compliment. I try to keep up with many blogs, and I read yours as well, although I am afraid I don’t see every post. I’m on mobile most of the time, so it makes it a bit more challenging. I will make a more concerted effort to check your blog though. I really appreciate the people who are so kind and offer support. It means a lot. So thank you. ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi,
    I have bipolar disorder too 🙂 so… cheers? lol I enjoy the way you write and am in awe of how frequently you post. Have been following for a while so thought I should comment. Anyway, keep doing you.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I am happy to be in the club right now but that’s only because I’m not depressed at the moment, you know? 🙂 I think we are an interesting group of people, indeed.

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  7. Hmmm, I can’t LIKE the story because it sucks. But I LIKE YOU for posting and for your courage and don’t give up. My stupid community doctors have labeled me bipolar and passed rumors about me since 2005. Mostly I have ignored them and just kept working. It meant I had to run my own small clinic and by 2014 I had chronic fatigue and didn’t bother with the diagnosis because I am a family doctor and I KNOW the party line. I also now have a very good idea of what chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia really are and how to treat them…. ironically I am now on oxygen and disabled for family medicine. I am applying for disability. I would like to work with chronic fatigue folks, but my disability company might have an issue with that….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the follow.

      I’m sorry you are dealing with the crap in your town. That’s bs.

      I am also sorry you are on oxygen. What a mess.

      Good luck with the disability!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. My first husband was diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder in his mid-20s (though back in 1978 it was call manic depression) and he was rapid cycling. We learned later that his biological mother had Bi-Polar disorder. Our 2 adult children both have been diagnosed with rapid cycling Bi-Polar disorder, anxiety disorder (as a result of their dad’s behaviours), PTSD (for a variety of reasons) – my heart feels for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I truly empathize with you.
    I’ve also been diagnosed with Bipolar Affective Disorder (currently in remission), have had suicidal attempts, and have been hospitalized, so my heart goes out to you!
    I believe in you and your strength and resilience to overcome all the obstacles this disorder creates for us. It’s possible! You are very brave ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. I have been doing pretty well emotionally for a while. Even since I wrote that post.

      I figured out that I was not doing any therapy that was evidence based.
      I had just been talking and whining to a therapist, but not learning anything.

      I have since done a ton of CBT and DBT. Very helpful.

      Haven’t been to a psych hospital in a few years. I have some challenging health issues that I deal with now that make it almost more difficult than the bipolar ever did.

      Sometimes they overlap if I don’t get sleep because I am sick, etc.

      Thank you for your kind words.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m actually doing CBT, and I guess it is helpful for me (I’m also BPD, so maybe that is why). I’m on Lithium, and it also help. It is very cool, that you are stable and feel better, I’m happy for you 🙂
        And simultaneously I’m really sorry to hear about your other health issues. I wish you the best, a lot of strength and health. I believe it’ll be better soon!
        Kind regards,

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oooh! If you are BPD, DEFINITELY suggest looking into DBT!!!! It was designed for BPD originally. So many good skills.

        Just a thought.

        It can be time consuming and difficult to find/get into, but so worth it.

        Wishing you the best!!!!!!


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