This girl is worried

I’m supposed to go on this trip with my friend soon.

I’m really excited, don’t get me wrong, but I’m also worried.

She’s had this headache for a month now, (she was hospitalized for it for a week even), and nothing seems to make it better. They checked her out for everything in the hospital, so it’s not like she has a brain tumor or anything, (thank goodness), but it’s still worrisome and impacts her daily life.

She’s also starting to run like a small temp every day. I can’t get her to do anything about that besides take some acetaminophen and rest, (she won’t go to doctor and says we are going on this trip), but we are going to some remote areas and I’m just concerned she will become seriously ill and I will have to drive her two hours out of there to the nearest hospital.

I’ve talked to her about these concerns. She knows the risks. We’ve put deposits down on places to stay and can’t get them back, so it would be expensive to not go, but… I mean… I don’t know if it’s smart.

So yeah.

I’m trying to plan for every contingency as it is. Anxiety won’t let me do otherwise. I mean, I’m even thinking about packing my portable solar panels in case I can’t charge my phone for some reason. That’s kind of overkill though because we are staying with the car and in hotels and I just got a new battery in my car…


Just worried.

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