I have to do things

Not the cowboy in this image…

I have a case of the Mondays.

I don’t feel well and people need things from me and I don’t want to.

I will do them , out of love for these people, and I won’t complain anywhere else but right here, but really, in my most secret heart of hearts I feel awful and would SO much rather stay in bed.

I decided against the dentist today because my tooth stopped hurting on Saturday. I don’t t really know why it was hurting in the first place, but I think it was a weird lymph node honestly or an ear thing that drained down. I am taking the antibiotics that make me miserable, (it’s either that or the decrease in my antidepressant), and I mean, I guess I should go to dentist to get the tooth checked just in case, but I’d have to sit there at 7:10 this morning and pray, that when they opened at 7:30, they would have an open time slot before ten because I have things I need to do.

Also, I’m so nauseated and I don’t really want people’s hands in my mouth.

I will go. I even have a real appointment and everything if all else fails.

Anyway, good morning.

Image from Pexels.

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